July 20, 2010

found it

I've had beautiful on the mind lately. I think it started to stick with me as a concept when waiting to wash my hands in the bathroom of a West Seattle bar. I stood "in line" behind the one sink while I watched a woman apply and reapply her lipstick. We were the only two women in the bathroom and to say the silence was awkward would be a severe understatement. Often in these situations, I find myself making small chat just to bring down the level of discomfort in the situation. But not this time. I just watched. Impatiently. Though I found it top priority to sanitize, this lady had puckering up at the top of her list. I stood there for about 3 hours (45 seconds really). Is that sexy?, I thought. Hot, pretty, or attractive, to have lipstick on. Is it beautiful? Would she be embarrassed to go back out there without it on? Who does she have waiting for her that really cares? Does she have multiple shades for different events? Will it matter she has it on once she's taken the first sip of her drink?

She finally stepped out of my way without making eye contact- I was ready to have a stare down. My image was revealed in the mirror. After spending the better part of the afternoon and evening at Alki my hair is up in its usual pony tail, wind whipped and starting to curl from the moisture in the air. I have on a sweat shirt that reeks gloriously of bon fire. The shorts I was wearing were actually jeans last year until a 100+ day requested me to grab a pair of scissors and cut them off. I can't remember if I put on mascara that morning though I'm assuming I did because I have not yet been carded at the bar. Is this at all sexy? Hot, pretty, attractive. It's undoubtedly genuine. But is it beautiful?

I think we throw around this word "beautiful" like Steve Pool throws around the term "sun break". It always sounds nice, but do we ever actually see it? Know what it is? What it feels like? I think
deep down in our souls all these questions are answered with a resounding YES! What about more towards the surface of our souls? Do we see beauty there? Feel it? Know what it is? Do we believe it's as projected on to other people as our friends tell us it is. Do we scoff when people tell us we look nice? That we're attractive? Gorgeous? Worth a Savior?

Not a single answer tonight. Nothing profound is coming to mind ( not to say that profound is my "norm"). And hey not to dog on lipstick here either, if I had the pucker upper's who knows what color tints I'd be sporting. Just thinking things through. Because when I opened up my laptop tonight I saw this picture on my desk top. Ahhhh. There it is.

Certain Beauty.

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