July 23, 2010

Mona Lisa

Sometimes my mind gets so filled with thoughts, I feel like the only way to calm my spirit is to either go for a quick walk around the block or a long walk up a mountain. It's 12:12 AM, so this will do for now.

A quote sent to me by a friend of mine (and excellent physics tutor might I add), has been intriguing me and my mind's been reeling trying to figure out why ever since. He shared the quote with me and we exchanged thoughts through the personally intimate form of "google chat". Don't pretend you're above it. I've dropped out his name....just in case :) Some of it has been pasted below:

wise boy @ gmail.com: anyway there was this one passage that really stuck out to me. it's from a chapter called "You Need a Commitment Strategy Not an Exit Strategy"
me: ohh cool hmmm. i like it.
wise boy @ gmail.com: "Would you go into a relationship planning the breakup? Would you write the prenup on a first date? Would you meet with a divorce lawyer the morning of your wedding? That would be ridiculous, right?
You need a commitment strategy, not an exit strategy. You should be thinking about how to make your project grow and succeed, not how you’re going to jump ship. If your whole strategy is based on leaving, chances are you won’t get far in the first place.
…Don’t be that guy. If you do manage to get a good thing going, keep it going. Good things don’t come around that often. Don’t let your business be the one that got away."

(side note: of course we both automatically apply the above advice to relationships. this is because we are both in our mid-twenties and thus the topic is incessantly talked about, laughed over, cried for, analyzed too much and has been frequently prayed for to just go away)

me: awwww i love it. you should post it as your status. its a good word
wise boy @ gmail.com: that's a long status
me: i think sometimes boys forget to hold on with both hands. and then girls get insecure and think the boys don't care when they're only holding on with one. so then we let go of the other hand to protect ourselves. and then theres no more hand holding
wise boy @ gmail.com: oh wow, what a nice illustration
me: thanks
wise boy @ gmail.com: I like it
me: you can add that to your status as well ;)
wise boy @ gmail.com: ha ok we'll see
me: or ill blog about it
wise boy @ gmail.com: you should blog about it
me: :)

and we here we are.

This is not to dog men. At all. Or women. Quite the opposite. In fact I think both sexes are quite lovely. And if people have been figuring out how to make relationships work for the past thousands of years, then we here in 2010 will probably be ok. I just realized that the girl who lets go is me. And, yes some of my friends. Maybe all women, but I don't know all of them, so I'm not going to make that generalization.

My bottom line(s) is (are) this (these). Boy meets girl. Girl and said Boy like each other. They hold hands. Boy gets distracted/thinks girl knows how much he cares/takes time to figure himself out/has other crazy things in life going on. Boy lets go just with one hand. Just for a quick second to get things figured out. Girl notices IMMEDIATELY. Girl tries to play it cool- this lasts about 3 seconds. Girl is insecure and automatically assumes boy never has nor ever will care about her. Girl lets go of Boy's hand to protect Girl's heart. Boy comes back and is bewildered (? maybe. I'm not a boy, so I don't know).

Boy and Girl both learn. Boy tells girl he's going to let go, for just a bit, just with the one hand. Girl trusts Boy and also trusts that God made her something worth being held on to.

Mid- twenties relationship dramas find themselves extinct and decide to settle down nicely in the 7th grade with their cohorts "acne drama' and "I hate my (fill in the blank) drama".

The End.


  1. amen sista. i looooOoove that illustration. love your thoughts court, love 'em, and love YOU!

  2. I love this. I love your thoughts and the way you phrase them.. and "wise boy," too;)

    I am usually either the girl who lets go, or the girl who trusts boy too much and holds on and then gets her heart broken.

    I am glad you didn't generalize, but it's true, we're all a little into drama, and a little obsessed with the subject of romantic relationships. I think sometimes we miss that all relationships in life share certain common elements, even if they vary in particulars, and really what it comes down to is that all of life is all about RELATIONSHIPS. I used to go to a church that was very intent on this point. And everyone there was older than me, and most everyone was or had been married. It has changed my outlook immensely.

    Blah blah blah.. I ramble.. Thanks for sharing, Court!-D
